John Ferguson, EcoideaM Ltd, Binn Eco Park
John Ferguson
EcoideaM Ltd, Binn Eco Park

John Ferguson is an experienced resource management systems strategist and innovator. As Head of the Waste Strategy Team (2000-2010) at SEPA he led the team that developed Scotland’s first National Waste Strategy. He has contributed to a wide range of Scottish, UK and EU technical working groups across resource policy, producer responsibility, biomass, waste data, regulatory policy and clean technology. Prior to leaving SEPA in 2010 he took a leading role in developing a national focus for clean technology development as a strategic driver for low carbon sustainable economic development. After leaving SEPA in 2010 he set up EcoideaM Ltd and took on the role of Head of Strategy for the Binn Eco Park in Tayside, Scotland. He is a member of the Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commission, a steering group member of the Tay Cities Clean Growth Group and managing Director of Pi Polymer Recycling Ltd a plastics recycling innovation company.